Well, we all wish that we were birds. We wish we could fly. Well, I guess we do our flying in the arts... We all fly in our own different ways.
Image by Philipp- Lublasser

Our project exists because of Denis and other carers of persons living with Alzheimer's and other related disorders, whether they are partners, spouses, children, siblings, neighbours, or friends.  Their experiential knowledge shapes the activities that we are developing and those that are being expanded and lie at the heart of  What connects us-Ce qui nous lie.

Our Mission

Bridging differences through what connects us.

Our objectives

To collaboratively cultivate social and cultural environments worth living in, using shared activities and public events to:

  • create an enriched web of resources in the local community; 
  • link arts/culture, mental health, and academic sectors; and
  • help decrease stigma at the intersection of Alzheimer's and other related disorders, mental illness, and aging.