We purposely seek out edgy, thought-provoking films from around the world that explore multiple mental-health issues from numerous viewpoints, feature in screening panels for film participants, movie directors, producers, receivers of mental health services, mental health professionals and enlighten the audience perceptions of mental illness through participation and discussion.

Philip Silverberg - Founder of the Au Contraire Film Festival
I believe in the power of the medium of film and art in general. In the words of Cesar A. Cruz, I believe that “art should comfort the disturbed and disturb the comfortable.” Therein lies the catalyst for discussion, debate, and potential change, especially as it applies, in this case, to removing the stigma of mental illness. That being said, the festival does promote a hopeful message, and many of the films strike a delicate and brilliant balance between oppressive pain and healing humour.

Cybil Geracimo - Au Contraire Film Festival Curator
The Au Contraire Film Festival (ACFF) was founded by Philip Silverberg to educate and dispel myths about mental illness. The annual ACFF will host commnity screenings dedicated to Alzheimer's and other related disorders over the next two years. Please see the ACFF site for more information on other screenings. Les Arts et la Ville will facilitate these conversations with panellists from our community partners, filmmakers, and invited guests.