We have created a space where individuals living with Alzheimer’s or related disorders and their family members share their journeys.  The goal of this space is to provide an opportunity to “hear” stories from someone in the journey of Alzheimer’s disease and their family members.

Which me am I today?

It will hopefully convey the helplessness of those diagnosed with dementia, as there is no cure – the end is inevitable. However, I’m also hoping I can convey that, although we’ve been diagnosed, people like me still have a substantial contribution to make; we still have a sense of humour; we still have feelings.

When the fog lifts

It is because of my experiences of that stigma from the point of my diagnosis that I write these articles to hopefully enable some who follow, receiving their diagnosis to continue to live their lives within the reducing limits of that diagnosis.

Living with dementia as well as I can

We should remain engaged in whatever activities or social groups we enjoy for as long as we can, no matter how much or little we say or do. As long as we get pleasure from just being there and listening and watching and feeling loved and valued.

Dementia can be more than memory

You helped me to remain campaigning on Sensory Challenges when I was not being supported you helped us to travel by coming with us to maintain our gym our community life

Dementia Diaries: A journey with dementia

Sometimes I watch the news or hop onto social media and I think about how lucky she was to never have to see some of the ugliness and craziness going on in the world. If everything I've been taught is true, then she's in a glorious place where sorrow and ugly doesn't exist.


We would like to thank Nancy and Gabrielle